About The Sanville Institute

The Sanville Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is committed to fostering advanced educational opportunities for social workers and other licensed clinicians whose values align with those of the social work profession, including service to people in need, commitment to social change on behalf of those who are vulnerable and oppressed, respect for cultural differences, advancement of the well-being of individuals and communities, and continual development of professional knowledge and clinical competence (National Association of Social Workers). The institute is managed by an all-volunteer board of trustees and a part-time administrator; it is funded by a trust established by Jean Sanville, a pioneering figure in clinical social work.

From 1974 – 2018, the institute operated a state-approved graduate school in California, offering a PhD in clinical social work. After forty-four years of doctoral instruction in clinical social work, the institute terminated its academic program and entered a five-year transitional phase in which it provided tuition assistance to former students completing their degrees elsewhere. With the successful conclusion of the tuition assistance program, the institute now directs its funding to the support of professional development and doctoral-level research.

Professional Development

We support professional development by offering continuing education courses for licensed mental health clinicians periodically throughout the year.

Doctoral-Level Research

We support doctoral-level research by offering scholarships to help qualified applicants complete research on topics that are consistent with our mission and that demonstrate sociocultural relevance.

Mission Statement

The mission of The Sanville Institute is to promote ongoing professional development that serves a culturally diverse community of mental health providers.

Vision Statement

The Sanville Institute envisions a healthier world by supporting the advanced educational development of innovative leaders and critical thinkers in the field of mental health practice and social policy. The institute also envisions a mental health workforce that better reflects the makeup of our society, enhancing diversity in mental health practitioners.

This vision encompasses the elimination of disparities of care and the achievement of increased diversity among leadership and decision-making groups.