Support, Discipline, and Effort: The Sanville PhD

Wanda Jewell - The Sanville Institute AlumnaWanda Jewell, MSW, PhD, LCSW is Adjunct Professor of Social Work at USC School of Social Work. She earned her MSW from USC in 1987, and PhD in Clinical Social Work from The Sanville Institute in 2008. She is in private practice in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles and is employed as a part time family therapist at Glendale Adventist Alcohol and Drug Services. Originally from the panhandle of Texas, Wanda makes her home in Los Angeles. She is committed to helping others, whether clients, students, colleagues, friends or family. She loves acoustic music, horses, and travel.

Support. Discipline. Effort. These are what it takes to complete the Sanville PhD.

I highly value my experience. I am an excellent example of Sanville alumni. I continue to teach at USC, am in private practice now for 25 years, and do family therapy at a local agency. Because of my studies at Sanville, I am a far better teacher and clinician.

I wanted more tools. My MSW degree is from USC, 1987. I have been licensed and in private practice since 1990. I also have taught at USC School of Social Work since 1998.

How did I do this? Three key elements: support, discipline and effort. My relationship with my mentor at The Sanville Institute was strong and productive. We had an emotional connection and partnered incredibly well in my academic work. The other students and alumni were available for support as needed. And, believe me, I needed their support. My thought was, if the alums can do this, so can I! The dissertation group was brilliant, sweet, and focused. We had laughter and tears, struggle and accomplishment. All the people in my group have graduated with their PhDs, and I was at their ceremonies to share in the joy.

With a PhD from Sanville, I am highly respected in our profession. In courses I teach at USC, I am much more fluent with theory and able to explain complex concepts to students in ways that they can grasp. In practice, I am more competent in understanding people and their difficulties. And, probably best of all, I have a large network of support and connection in the Sanville community with people I truly respect and admire.

The program was rewarding, supportive and tough. But I am quite pleased to have completed the PhD with all the support, discipline, and effort provided by The Sanville Institute.

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